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Receivables Performance Management (RPM) Data Breach

Receivables Performance Management LLC, a debt collector, has reported a data breach to the Attorney General of Maine. According to JD Supra, it looks like the initial breach or access occurred back in April of 2021. It involved unauthorized access and a ransomware attack. While I certainly won’t lose any sleep over the ransomware attack, the fact there was access to the personal information of consumers is very unsettling. I am fairly certain there is not a single consumer that chose to do business with RPM. And not a single person chose to have their name, social security number, birthday, etc. provided to this dumpster fire of a company. Yet, here we are. The private information of 3.7 million consumers is potentially in the hands of hackers. If you, or someone you care about, has received a letter from RPM or seen them on your credit report as a tradeline or a pull, I would recommend you be extra vigilant for unauthorized charges and other nefarious activity on your credit report. And of course, if you receive a “NOTICE OF DATA BREACH” letter from Receivables Performance Management please take it seriously even if you have never heard of them.



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